
NeuromancerWilliam Gibson19840-441-56956-0
Snow CrashNeal Stephenson19920-553-08853-X
SoftwareRudy Rucker19820-441-77408-3

Dancer, Sweetheart, Hopeless Romantic

Mila Silarus

"Have courage and be kind."


Name: Mila Silarus
Age: 21-23
Nameday: 10th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Demiromantic, Bisexual (Masc Preference)
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Marital Status: Dating | Polyamorous
RP Classes: DNC | THM | CNJ


Mila grew up on a small island off of La Noscea, so tiny was the community it didn't even have it's own name. Despite relying on imports from La Noscea for supplies and exports to Limsa for coin, the small village was isolationist in nature.Her parents were Hyur- Mila was found as a baby in the wreckage of shipwreck with no other survivors, and was taken in by the merchants who ran the island's shipments. They raised her with the intention of her being married off to a suitable heir, grooming her to be the perfect wife. She learned dance, music, cooking, cleaning, and many other skills, but she longed to adventure into the outside world.One day, she finally mustered up the courage to sneak aboard a trading vessel, and has been wandering Eorzea ever since! She can be found dancing in Ul'dah, or loitering near the beaches of La Noscea that remind her of home.Mila is unfamiliar with combat, but has acquired some meager magic and healing skills through reading. She would love to learn to protect herself, and would welcome a teacher.And if you want to know more...feel free to ask, or even find out in character!


✧ Mila ran away from home, and her adoptive parents would pay a handsome sum to see her safely returned. Could you be a hired bounty hunter, come to collect?

𝄞 Mila loves to dance, and usually finds herself in Ul'dah, doing just that! Perhaps you've noticed her dancing, or have need for a dancer for personal reasons?

༄ Mila has been studying magic and aether in her spare time, due to the strange nature of her own aether, seeming to seep out of her whenever her emotions become heightened and amplifying the emotions of those around her. Maybe you've heard of this strange occurrence and have come to investigate?

✦ Mila gets lost very easily, often getting turned around or ending up in the wrong place entirely; perhaps you have spotted the poor confused miqo'te wandering about and would like to assist (or perhaps, lead her further astray...?)